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Saturday, 24 March 2012

Info Post

The Jaded Bovines were a legendary Cocoa Florida-based punk rock band who terrorized Florida's Space Coast roughly between 1984 and 1986. They played a handful of shows, made a record that remains unreleased and then self-destructed in a hail of insults, false accusations and bitter memories. Their manager, Buddy Bass, disappeared in 1986, taking all the funds in the band's account with him. He is rumored to be living in South America to this day. Despite this all-too-familiar rock 'n' roll sob story, the Bovines' influence on the modern punk scene cannot be denied. Unlike the poseurs who would chew off their own genitals and serve them up fresh to Richard Shelter for a crummy gig at Flynn's or suck up to the asswipes in the sissy Gainesville "scene", the Bovines were the Real Deal. They once played to an angry mob of racist skinheads while acknowledging their black heritage. When the inevitable fusillade of bottles, boots, bald heads and phlegm mercilessly rained down upon them for the entire show, they held their ground, kicked ass and escaped without so much as a fat lip. Well, almost. Shit, actual girls even went to their gigs. Casey Chaos (Disorderly Conduct, Amen) has cited the Bovines as a major turning point in the Florida indie scene during the 1980s. "Before the Bovines and Disorderly Conduct, there was basically nothing. Florida was a goddamn wasteland. The Bovines made me realize that anything was possible, that we could create and control our own scene. From that point on, we called the fucking shots!". A CD box set, Stuff Your Face, will finally chronicle the Jaded Bovines brief, combustible career and give this influential band the long overdue recognition that they so richly deserve. It's slated for release on Grandma Lackey's Home Baked records in 2011.

File Under ;;; Irresistible Rarest of the Rare Florida Punk Rock Slamfest In The Swamp Mess.... Misgivings Mischief Behavior


1] Working Class
2] He Man
3] Choke
4] Unemployment
5] Democracy
6] Locked In
7] Redneck's Suck
8] Stuff Your Face
9] Carl's A Dick
10] Fed Up
11] Contradiction
12] Miami

The Jaded Bovines - Mediafire


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