They call themselves slowcore, I call them experimental shoegazing gloom. Either way New York's PLANNING FOR BURIAL are about to be called one of your favorite bands. If you are not sold by the song title "I Put Red House Painters On A Mixtape For You" then the tear soaked crashes that interrupt the two minute introduction to that track will surely seal the deal. Likely named after the trials and tribulations of young adulthood, Late Twenties Blues features just two songs and two mostly ambient interludes, and I picked it up late last year simply because I was meant to play a show with them in the fall and we kinda bailed. It was out of town and our singer was sick and my van was leaking exhaust fumes and it just seemed like a really bad idea at the time, so we backed out at the last minute. Seeing PLANNING FOR BURIAL? Right now that seems like a really good idea, but we can't always have good ideas.
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