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Saturday, 6 August 2011

Info Post

While I am more than a little late to the world of kvlt lo-fi black metal, and I am certainly not the person who should be passing judgement on the bands that loosely fall into that category, I do know what I like when I hear it, and i like STRONGBLOOD. Simple and driving songs that seem to follow the BONE AWL/VIPER approach: turn basic three chord punk songs into sinister metal offerings. It's a formula that works, especially on "Torn From The Root" and "Wolves." The guitars dominate songs like "The Sword's Gleam" with primitive melodic leads competing for attention with anxious vocal howls. The 9+ minute "White Roses" ends the tape with a predictably apocalyptic wall of distorted minor chord guitars, but knowing it's coming doesn't make the climax any less moving. 

Physical copies available here:


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