Musically, there are parts of this that would easily fall in line with late 80s UK punk shits, you know after the mohawks have fallen and the leather jackets have become slightly passe. But then comes "M.O.S." and "Land Of The La La's" and PEPPERMINT SUBWAY dive straight into college rock that likely appealed to fans of early R.E.M, CAMPER VAN BEETHOVEN, or THE ALARM. If you aren't double clicking your closed minded ass away from Terminal Escape by now, and if you can sort through the weedpatch to find a few flowers, then you are in for a quality demo. "Destination X" is a Motor City worshipping burner, "Psycho Surf" is a little silly, but it was Cincinnati for fuck's sake, and it was 1988, so I'm guessing that most folks didn't know any better, and a song about zombies is usually a good time. Nine tunes here, and to be fair, four of them are probably worth keeping, but that's not for me to decide...listen for yourself.
(and yeah, they spelled it wrong twice)
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