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Sunday, 3 January 2010

Info Post

This one man band from Chikasha, Oklahoma started a pretty brilliant self promotion blitzkrieg back in 1992, by placing these demo tapes all over the University Of Oklahoma campus. There weren't really that many rockers around, and we kinda thought we all knew each other (or at least knew who everyone was), and then here comes this vaguely punk, very noisy, grunge tinged self recoded demo tape...and it's from Chikasha!?!! And even from a place like Norman, we were impressed and intrigued. The closest comparison I can namedrop is GOD'S ACRE, who sounded a hell of a lot like NIRVANA's Nevermind a year or so before that relatively famous record was released (but GOD'S ACRE were way dirtier, and therefore, better). These ten songs are hopelessly catchy and melodic, but filthy and distorted at the same time, the guitar tone is something to be strived for, even if one doesn't care for the tunes.  No song titles, just "Five Songs" on side 1, and "Five More Songs" on the flip (that kinda added to their mystery), but check out the last tune on side 2 and think SCRATCH ACID, then listen to the finale to the first side and think MUDHONEY, and then think of one dude making this magic all by himself.  In Chikasha, Oklahoma.


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