13 minutes of devastating Mexican crust. Five tunes from Mexico City's HOG and four from INSURRECCION. HOG throw brief melodic respites into the mix, but the bulk of this is churning downtuned mania - ugly sounds as influenced by primitive Latin American hardcore as by HIS HERO IS GONE. INSURRECCION are more rooted in lurching Mexican punk, a raw and brutal attack that makes their decision to cover WRETCHED seem completely logical. This is about as far from subtle as you're going to get.
For those readers in the Bay Area, Prank Records is dishing out some serious shit this weekend. NO STATIK and VACCUUM shows for a while, plus most of my favorite local bands, IRON LUNG and two pretty sick visitors from the east coast. Not a bad coupla days...
And CITIZENS ARREST are playing today at Thee Parkside with YADOKAI and others, but you probably just woke up and that shit starts at 1PM.
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