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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Info Post

This might be one of those "time and place" bands, but I dare say that if you lived anywhere near Indianapolis, Indiana in the '90s and knew about hardcore, then you liked BLATHERSKITE. I saw them once in 1993, and at the time had seen nothing like it...well ahead of their time, churning out brutally heavy hardcore with irreverent precision. Johan's vocal growls are low and sinister, and the overall effect of the band is akin to a wall of death administered by a team of earthmovers - get out of the way or submit. The rhythm section went on to form ICE NINE, one of the most criminally under recognized bands of the decade, and San Francisco passion metal pioneers TIME IN MALTA, but this demo is fukkn primal. From the opening "Yo Scoth, drop it, G" you know this isn't your average demo, BLATHERSKITE were something else.


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