If, as the title suggests, this is indeed The Now Sound Of Montreal, then perhaps I like that city even more than I thought I did. This tape doesn't look like much, but it's a screaming introduction to a musically diverse underbelly worlds away from the hardcore and crust bands that have made Canada's greatest angel dust laden 'burgh famous with most Escape readers. Ten songs here, starting way out in left field with MUFTAH IBN AL-KHALISS and then continuing through STOOGES influenced and vaguely indie rock sounding JESUSLESFILLES, snotty and sharp garage punk from THE AVERSIONS and SILVER DAPPLE, who close out the first side with a dreamy noisy pop song that launches me back to a time when college rock was not yet a dirty word, and originality (and personality) were still celebrated by bands sporting that descriptor. The flip is weirder, and I dare say better, with dark and brilliantly off kilter BOBO BOUTIN starting the side followed by MINGO L'INDIEN launching into a simple (and simply addictive) dance punk jam drowned in synths. LES BIBERONS BÂTIS slink even further away from punk (in fact, this sounds like MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT sucking on Robotussin, heavy on the samples). The down tempo vibe is broken up by a short blast of hi energy bedroom dance music from LE MONDE DANS LE FEU before the tape wraps up with a mesmerizing psychedelic guitar drone from ENCYCLOPEDINE VL, giving a wonderful treatment to a BRIGITTE FONTAINE number with vocals that are absolutely worthy of such a task. This comp is full of bands that exist so very far away from any scene that I have ever been associated with, and perhaps that is part of the appeal - even though their intent here seems to be more mainstream (I base this impression on the web presence of Vintage Violence, who are responsible for this release). Intent be damned, BOBO BOUTIN, ENCYCLOPEDINE VL and I are about to go pick up MINGO L'INDIEN down on rue St. Laurent and we are going to have a party - even the punks like to wear fancy shoes sometimes.
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