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Thursday, 9 June 2011

Info Post

For those who need further proof that the Danish are really good at punk, may I present DE HØJE HÆLE and MIG & MIN VEN, two bands who crank out a racket so familiar sounding that you would swear you already have their records, but so catchy that you will be too busy shaking ass to bother looking. Both bands hit the US in 2009, touring through the Deep South to places that no self respecting Euro would ever be found alive, and I'm sure that the sweaty stench of gyrating unbathed flesh that filled the dank bars in the backwoods of Mississippi on that tour is a thing of legend around those parts - tall tales of a van full of sharp dressed super models who unleashed a barrage of distorted garage punk on an unsuspecting handful of yokels and then vanished into the night. DE HØJE HÆLE lean towards the early '00s bands that came from Copenhagen, but with a lo-fi sensibility that will perk up the ears of the most discerning ironic moustaches. MIG & MIN VEN opt for pure and raw garage punk with no low end to speak of, drunk and ready to party. Plus, there are boobies on the cover.


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