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Sunday, 7 March 2010

Info Post
Today's Oklahoma post comes from the same batch of tapes that I pulled last week's RANDYS record off of (cheers again for the loaner, Blake!!).  FENSICS were also from Oklahoma City, and released their lone EP in 1979. The A-side ("Full Time Job") was comped on Killed By Death #999 some years ago, but personally I prefer the flip "Tornado Warning" and the fake accent and Johnny Rotten style trills from the singer and the killer high end guitars that start the track. The tail end of "Full Time Job," where the contemptuous kid is in the argument with his mom about getting a real job, starts to get real fuzzy, like perhaps the record that this tape was made from had been partied one too many times. Or perhaps there was just a lot of dust in the room...Oklahoma does have quite a history with dust, after all. Point is, it ain't a perfect copy, but fukkn tapes ain't perfect, and that's why I love 'em.

The record came with no picture sleeve, so you don't get anything pretty to look at here today. However, my wife takes excellent pictures, and they often very pretty to look at. Here is one of them:


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