Fuck me if this isn't one of the best comp titles ever, and don't think for a moment that these Germans wasted a great title like this on a mediocre comp...oh hell no. This thing rips from start to finish, 60 minutes of killer mid 80s hardcore from West Germany, Holland and Scandinavia. INFERNO, RAZZIA, ANTI CIMEX, DESTRUCKTIONS, RATTUS, NUCLEAR, NEUROTIC ARSEHOLES, PANDEMONIUM and in case you aren't already convinced, then how about two tracks from J.R.'S MOTHERFUCKERS & THE HOLY GHOST that will make you wonder if FLIPPER relocated to Europe in 1984 and started demolishing the punks' idea of what music should sound like. Sound quality here is pretty much all great, with the the possible exception of the live NEUROTIC ARSEHOLES tracks, but the live sound breathes unbelievable life into the NUCLEAR tracks, and the raw crust on this comp (RATTUS, ANTI CIMEX, DESTRUCKTIONS...maybe not crust but you know what I'm getting at, right?) sounds so good it made my skin crawl. I suppose it could have been the scabies, but not likely...it was probably the guitars. Another Friday comp tape..I need to put up a stinker next week, because after the Finnish comp last Friday, I don't want you kids getting to accustomed to this level of quality.
I believe that the INFERNO tracks are from the demo I've got floating around somewhere (I should find that thing and share, it's REALLY fucking good), who knows where the NEUROTIC ARSEHOLES and NUCLEAR live tracks are from, and while I've seen these CIMEX and RATTUS tracks before, I just can't recall where and they might be different versions. Good thing for me I far prefer rock to research...that way I allow myself way more time to rock!
And for those of you who speak Deutsch, feel free to peruse the liner notes while the rest of us pound our fists into the air.
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